Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving...and other things.

Happy Thanksgiving! One of the few things I like about Concordia is that we get an entire week off for Thanksgiving, which translates into ten days at home. So I'm home until Sunday, then I get to go back and gear up for finals. While I'm here, I have two papers to write, an illustration to finish, thumbnails for my Paul Newman assignment (who's excited? oh yeah, me!), and possibly most important, pumpkin pie to eat.

I'm more than ready for this semester to be over. I ended up stuck with three night classes, and while I'm getting pretty near straight A's, I'm not putting as much work into some of my classes as I would like to. Namely, Adv. Layout and Design. I had opportunity for some major portfolio pieces in that class, but in order to pull that off now, I have to go back and fix everything (typography, sizes, printed copies, etc).

This semester feels really strange, too, because it's the second to last semester some of my good friends will be at Concordia, and once they're gone, there's a kind of void that will be formed. I'm not really sure how to explain it. Then I only have two semesters left (one, really), before I have to start job searching. I'm thankful, because at this point in my life I could not do another 4 years of educational pursuit. Grad school could happen later, but not for at least 5 years after college.

I found out yesterday that the Nebraska district has finally started to address the issue of Communion at Concordia and it's about time. We're the only Concordia that has it, and there's no reason to when there's a Lutheran church across the street from our college that has Communion on a regular basis. I'm really hoping that starting either next semester or next year, we won't have it anymore. It'll be one less controversial issue on our campus.

I'm hoping to post some web rez scans of some of my art up here sometime soon. We'll see if it'll happen post-Turkey break.


Rosko said...

Doesn't CSP still have communion? They did, and it was effectively open. One of the things that started my journey East, actually. But that's a story best shared individually, if at all.

Anna Schmunk said...

I'm not sure if they do or not. Apparently, as far as synod knows, we're the only school that offers Communion at chapel. However, there's a chance that information could be wrong...